Motherhood Leaves Its Mark: Stretch Mark Removal
How to Eliminate Stretch Marks and Spider Veins, Fast and Painlessly! Being a mother is the best gift in the world. But the mark it leaves on your body, not so much.
Summer Skincare: Sunblock vs. Sunscreen and Everything In Between!
The Long-and-Short-Term Benefits of Skin Protection (And Why You Should Care). What if I told you that the secret to long-lasting skin beauty is NOT found in the tan you’ve been
Skin Damage: Age Spots, Wrinkles and Collagen Loss – Oh My!
Laser Skin Discoloration Correction and Skin Rejuvenation can help shave years off your look! When it comes to sporting a youthful summer glow, one may assume that basking on the
Loose Skin Weighing Down Your Confidence?
Firm-up your problem areas with our laser skin tightening treatment It’s event season and that can leave us feeling a little self-conscious about some of our wobbly bits.
Got Cellulite? You’re not alone!
Blast Away Those Fatty Deposits With Our Laser Cellulite Removal Treatment Alright, ladies - shake what your mama gave you! For some of us, it’s our sexy curves, for others a gr
Waxing vs. Laser Hair Removal
The Pros and Cons: What’s the best way to get rid of unwanted body hair? The summer season is about to kickoff. Have you shed your “winter coat” yet?
Frustrated with Your Bikini Body?
Slim, Tighten and Tone Those Problem Areas In Time For Summer! Bikini season is about to start on Long Island. That means, more time at the shore and more ways to show off your be