Frustrated with Your Bikini Body?
Slim, Tighten and Tone Those Problem Areas In Time For Summer!
Bikini season is about to start on Long Island. That means, more time at the shore and more ways to show off your best beach body. But are you ready to dive-in to your sexiest swimsuit with no cover up and nothing but confidence?
Relax. You’re not alone. Most of us are not quite ready to shed our spring threads and slink into a bare-it-all bikini, not after this long winter. Sure, we’ve hit the gym regularly and watched what we ate, but what happens when diet and exercise aren’t enough? I’m not talking about those extra 10 pounds, I’m referring to those “fatty” bits that don’t ever seem to go away, the ones that won’t tighten-up no matter how many squats or burpees you suffer through. What then?
Well, first off, don’t panic. You have options and they’re all guaranteed to make you look and feel as youthful and radiant as you did in your twenties. Let’s take a look at some common bikini body hang-ups and how to fix them fast, so you can enjoy your summer body, fabulously!
“Saggy” Lower Arms – Give them a Lift!
The lower arm “sag”. We all know what this is. It happens when you hold your arm out and the underside appears “loose” and “saggy” due to loss if elasticity and excess fat deposits. (I’m pretty sure this is not what they meant by “hanging loose” at the beach.) No worries, here’s a quick fix: Our non-surgical laser Arm Lift treatment helps reduce, reshape and contour your upper-body with no downtime. You can go tighten-up in the morning, then surf-up some fun at the beach that same day!
Unwanted “Love Handles” — Slim and Tighten!
The waistline. It can make or break a sexy profile. And “love handles”, those are the fatty deposits that collect on your hips and obliques, can make even the slimmest bikini body waistline look “flabby” and untoned. And do you know what we say to the gods of “flabby” and “untoned”? Not today…and certainly, not this season. Target your fatty “love handles” with this quick fix: Our safe Body Fat Reduction treatment helps shrink, damage and destroy fat cells without the surgical risks of other popular methods. It’s the safe alternative to liposuction and it shows results right away!
Bulging Tummy “Pouch” – Reduce and Flatten!
The tummy “pouch” is that stubborn pocket of belly fat in your lower abdominal that stares you down when you’re trying on swimsuits (remember the white one-piece?). No matter how many carbs you cut or cocktails you passed up, this bump won’t give up the fight. But good news, you can finally win this “battle of the bulge” with a quick fix: Our non-surgical Body Contouring and Reshaping treatment will help you reduce in size, tone your skin and give you the sexy bikini body silhouette you’ve been dreaming about!
Lumpy, Bumpy Cellulite – Smooth Away Instantly!
Ladies, this is the one we dread the most! Cellulite. It occurs when enlarged fat cells beneath the skin protrude to the outer barrier, causing a lumpy, dimpled appearance in your skin. (yikes!) It’s more common in women because of our distributions of fat, muscle and connective tissue. Kiss it goodbye with this quick fix: Our non-surgical fat-blasting Cellulite Removal treatment smooths away those lumpy, dimpled imperfections fast, so you can enjoy your bikini body all summer long!
Look, make no mistake – you are beautiful and you deserve to make waves this summer in whatever you wear and wherever you go! So, don’t cover up and hideaway your sexy figure. Give yourself the fabulous bikini body you’ve always wanted and beam confidence with a more radiant, youthful you!
Client Services,
Perfect Body Laser & Aesthetics