Loose Skin Weighing Down Your Confidence?

Firm-up your problem areas with our laser skin tightening treatment

It’s event season and that can leave us feeling a little self-conscious about some of our wobbly bits.

We all have them. Maybe it’s loose skin around the under arms or flabby inner thighs or extra skin sagging around the knees and chin; it can leave us dreading summer activities, shying away from the beach and even stopping us from wearing that sleeveless dress to the party. Sound familiar?

I’ll give you an example. I have a friend who recently lost a huge amount of weight. He said what kept him motivated through his journey was knowing that in the end, he would be able to finally take off his shirt at the beach again and not feel like every eye was looking at him, judging his life choices.

But the thing is, now that’s he’s 110 pounds lighter and in better shape than most men his age, he still wears his shirt at the beach. When he told me why, I was shocked.

While he’s no longer self-conscious about his weight, he’s embarrassed by the extra, loose skin left behind by his weight loss. Can you imagine? Here he’s accomplished this life-changing goal that, let’s face it, most of us would have given up on in the week #2, and he still hadn’t achieved that confidence and comfort in his own skin.

I wanted to do something to help him find that confidence and Perfect Body Laser® was the perfect solution. I love the results that laser therapy provides. For starters, it’s non-surgical and non-invasive, so you can walk right out of the treatments and get on with your day. But what I love most is being able to wear that one item in the back of my closet that hasn’t seen sunlight in years or sporting sexy short-shorts at the beach with confidence –- it’s priceless.

Skin tightening treatments can take those problem areas that don’t ever seem to tone up, no matter how many pushups or squats you rep, and help firm, restore and rebuild the collagen under the skin. For me, it means the difference between suffering through my summers with long-sleeve dresses or heavy shawls, and the ability to once again enjoy the events in my life without hiding my body behind layers of clothes.

It’s the summer and we’re all just doing our best to enjoy time with our friends and family. So, don’t let saggy skin shake your confidence. Firm and tighten your problem areas with our skin tightening laser therapy treatments. You’ll be glad you did!

All our best,
Client Services,
Perfect Body Laser & Aesthetics