Motherhood Leaves Its Mark: Stretch Mark Removal

How to Eliminate Stretch Marks and Spider Veins, Fast and Painlessly!

Being a mother is the best gift in the world. But the mark it leaves on your body, not so much. 

As your belly swells, your body stresses and stretches to make room for your little darling to grow. Often, your skin and veins struggle to keep up. In result, most women suffer from stretch marks and spider veins during pregnancy. For some, these lighten or clear up after childbirth, but for others, these skin imperfections don’t go away after nine months and can be unsightly and embarrassing. 

Sure, in the beginning you wore your stretch marks with pride, as a badge of honor, your spider veins as a symbol of a new beginning (the extension of your family), but motherhood leaves its imprint in so many other ways; why sacrifice your skin and self-confidence? Should these tiny imperfections really control what your wear and how you see yourself? 

Now, just as quickly and easily as these marks appeared on your body, you can minimize and even erase them (it’s like a pre-mommy time-machine for your skin). You can even start seeing results by the July 4th weekend if you act fast. Let us show you how!

Simple Solution to Remove Stretch Marks and Smooth Out Your Skin

 Argh! The dreaded stretch marks! These pinkish, sunken scars are caused by rapid growth or sudden weight gain. Some get them during puberty on the chest, legs and arms, but most women get them around their midsection during pregnancy. Yes, they may fade over time for the lucky few. But for the rest of us, Perfect Body Laser has a non-surgical Stretch Mark Removal treatment with proven results to diminish scars in no time at all!

What Causes Spider Veins and How to Get Rid of Them for Good

Spider veins are superficial vein abnormalities. They’re not harmless to your body, but they can be a real nuisance during the summer months, when short shorts make it harder to cover-up these reddish-blue, starburst-like imperfections, often scaling the legs and arms.  They usually develop during pregnancy because of an increased volume of blood flow in the veins, which causes the vein to swell and expand like a spiderweb. (ick!) The good news, we’ve got a solution! Our FDA-approved, non-surgical laser Vein Removal solution helps safely collapse the inflamed vein, so your body can repair and restore the area beautifully.

Yes, motherhood transforms your life and your body. But now, the marks you bare as a mother don’t have to diminish your body-image and confidence. It’s time to stop covering up and start sporting that sexy summer skirt and floral two-piece you’ve been eyeing since last season. Because you are lovely and fabulous and saving the world one band-aid at a time (maybe a little more so in the toddler years).

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Perfect Body Laser & Aesthetics